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Ad Deum: parishioner's experience

I've been reflecting on these changes for a couple of months now; over these past weeks, I've heard some negative but mostly positive parishioner experiences. Next week's post will be about some of the negative, but I wanted to share this parishioner's experience because it struck me as a great reflection to share.

She told me: "Father, when I see the [Missal] on the altar facing us, it is an invitation for me to pray with the priest to God."

I found it a profoundly beautiful meditation. As the priest, I am always looking at the Missal, which contains the 2000 year old collection of prayers to the Holy Trinity. I never realized that the people of God, when the altar is turned the other way, have never seen it open. And she's right in that there is an invitation to pray, obviously not saying the same words the priest does. That should be a reminder of the people of God's role and responsibility to raise up your prayers during this time, just as we had finished lifting our hearts up to the Lord...are they still lifted?

Next time you see this Book of ancient prayers open, pray, united with the priest before God Almighty.

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